And an excuse to post.
The recipe posting has been negligible over the last few months because I haven't really been interested in food.

The recipe posting has been negligible over the last few months because I haven't really been interested in food.
In fact, I've only been eating capital B Boring foods.
Cottage cheese, roast turkey, avocado, string cheese, plums, yogurt, and more cottage cheese.
I've also been incredibly lazy about cooking.
Thank god the Trader Joe's in Davis opened; I didn't really miss not having one around for the last eight years, but their frozen dinners have been a savior to the overly sleepy cook with suddenly, horrifyingly, bland taste-buds.
Last night I had wilted spinach with 2% milk poured over it for dinner. Really.
Three weeks in Asia was truly great, but having to be careful about every bite I ate, and extra-vigilant against food poisoning left me feeling more than a hair on the wrong side of boring.
For a naturally shy girl, not going out for drinks with colleagues, or having Perrier with a twist of lime as my "fun" beverage, was a new experience.
Good thing I seek out new experiences.
Since a lot right now is falling under that category...
And if you haven't guessed it already...
If everything goes according to plan...
(and the whole thing has so far)
The July 8 post was a clue...
In March our lives are really going to change.

(This picture of our bean is almost a month old, but it's another month til we get a new one)
Life is surreal.
I am so happy and lucky to have four years of marriage with the best husband ever, and excited for what the future years will bring.
Happy anniversary love of my life ♥
*Blogger has it's time zones wrong- this was posted 2011.09.30 even though Blogger thinks it's the evening of Sept 29, no where on the planet is it still the 29th.